Here’s a table showing average Krabi weather temperature ranges by month in Krabi. These are averages based on the last few years in Krabi – about 8-9 years. The weather fluctuates a lot from year to year and rainfall and temperatures can vary a lot depending on what is going on worldwide with El Nino and other weather systems that affect us here in Krabi.
Monthly Temperature Averages in Krabi, Thailand
Month | C | F |
January | 23-33°C | 74-91°F |
February | 23-34°C | 73-93°F |
March | 24-34°C | 75-93°F |
April | 25-34°C | 77-93°F |
May | 25-33°C | 77-91°F |
June | 25-33°C | 77-91°F |
July | 25-33°C | 77-91°F |
August | 25-33°C | 77-91°F |
September | 25-32°C | 77-90°F |
October | 24-32°C | 75-90°F |
November | 24-32°C | 75-90°F |
December | 23-32°C | 73-90°F |
The temperature can vary by as much as 3-5 degrees Celsius on average, and keep in mind, this takes into account the night time temperatures as well which can drop 5-10 degrees C. Daytime temperatures are usually +3-4 degrees higher than at night.
We just started a spreadsheet to keep track of the weather in Krabi. Every day we’ll update the spreadsheet and let you know which days it rained, and approximately what the temperature was. This way you can better gauge what the weather might be like for your upcoming trip.
Quick Overview of Monthly Weather in Krabi (with links to more info)
- January – Dry, cool, with lots of sun that isn’t too hot. Air is super clear.
- February – Dry, cool, with lots of sun, and incredible white clouds on blue sky.
- March – Warming up with some very hot days. Very little if any rain. Sun very warm.
- April – Super hot, and rarely raining. Storms are violent if we do have some.
- May – Super hot and raining sometimes – once/twice a week. More clouds cools us off.
- June – Hot, and raining more often. Couple times a week on average. Cooler nights.
- July – Warm/Hot and raining more often – about same as June. Nights cool, more clouds in sky.
- August – Warm, and raining more as we ramp up toward Sept/Oct super-rainy months. Lots of sun still!
- September – Warm and rainy. This begins the true rainy season where it’s nearly every day.
- October – Warm and rainy, lots of clouds daily and not so much sun – maybe 15 days of sun but it will rain on those days most likely too. Maybe 6 days of no rain.
- November – Warm and can rain a lot still in this month. Similar to October sometimes.
- December – Cooler and drying out usually. Perfect time to visit.
#прогноз погоды #METEO
Hi this is really helpful! Will you be updating this? Cheers
We do. Sometimes forget!