Though most tourists to Krabi don’t want to exert themselves very much – and just take it easy by the beach on a mat, sipping exotic drinks… some of you are not content with that and you want not only adventure but CHALLENGES!
Fitness Challenges that most of you will find difficult or impossible:
Climb 280 meters Mountain on a Bike – ride a paved road up a mountain for a couple kilometers. Think you can do it? The first hill is a little bit rough, and sets the stage for the rest – a gradual incline in most parts, but at times steeper and a serious effort.
Climb 280 meters Mountain on Your Feet – easier than riding a bike up the mountain, but still a good challenge that will take 30 minutes minimum and probably more like 50 mins.
Climb Mountain Trail 500 meters Up – we can either do this one casually just to see if you can make it to the top, or, if you’re fit – you might choose to climb fast and make it to the top within 1 hour. Most people do it within 2 hours.
Climb 1.256 Steps Up Mountain – a small mountain offers a fitness challenge that most can do in 30 minutes or so (to the top). There is a 72 year old man from the U.K. that can do it one after another – 4 times, in 3 hours. Can you do it once? Twice? Think you can do it 3 times? 4? 5? He has done it once in 15 minutes.
Vertical Mile Step Climb – the grandaddy of fitness challenges. You probably don’t even know someone that ever climbed 1 mile vertically up steps before. If you do this challenge, you’ll meet at least one of us. This is the ultimate fitness challenge, and it requires climbing 1,256 steps up a small limestone mountain in the stifling heat and humidity of Thailand’s southern Krabi Province – 6 times, one after another. You should be very fit before attempting this. You should, obviously, have no heart problems or ANY health problems at all. It took us 4 hours to do it!
Climb 3 Mountains in 3 Hours – in truth, we’ve never even done this – but, it’s do-able, and we’ll do it with you if you choose this one. What it involves is climbing 3 different mountains in a total of 3 hours time. There is driving distance between each mountain, so we subtract that – but, actual climbing time shouldn’t exceed 3 hours. This is a serious challenge… total elevation – 1,060 meters.
We have done up and down the 280 meter high hill in under an hour, then climbed the 500m high hill in 2 hours (50 mins to top). Then we were too tired to do the steps!
If you want to come up with your own fitness challenge – like combining a mountain bike ride with some hill climbing either on foot or on bike – just let us know. We’re also interested in completing challenges like that – so we’ll work with you to make it happen.
If you have a custom adventure trip idea you’d like to do to see if we can help – CONTACT US HERE.