Best Places to Find Kingfishers in Krabi

Kingfishers are colorful birds usually perched on a low branch or telephone pole wire that hunt all kinds of smaller animals – even fish – where they dive into the water to grab them!

Kingfishers are fascinating birds, known for their striking colors, specialized hunting techniques, and wide distribution. In Thailand, they are a common sight in various ecosystems, especially around water bodies. Krabi has a lot of water, so we see them often.

Kingfishers are some of the most common birds, but not all that easy to see unless you look in the right place. Let’s dive into the details!

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Overview of Kingfishers

Kingfishers belong to the family Alcedinidae, which includes over 90 species worldwide. They are small to medium-sized birds, easily recognizable by their large heads, long, sharp and strong bills, and relatively short legs. Their brilliant plumage often includes shades of blue, green, orange, brown, and red, making them stand out in natural habitats.

Kingfisher Species in Thailand

Thailand is home to 13 species of kingfisher birds, spread across different regions and habitats. Here are some common species birders usually target when they come to Thailand to find birds. The first four can be found regularly on the Boat Tour through the Mangroves in Krabi Town. Some of the others can sometimes be seen on this tour, but can be more difficult to find.

  1. Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) – One of the smallest and most widespread, known for its bright blue and orange plumage.
  2. Brown-Winged Kingfisher (Pelargopsis amauroptera) – A beautiful bird with chocolate colored wings, orange head and breast, white belly, and red bill.
  3. Black-capped Kingfisher (Halcyon pileata) – Characterized by its dark head and deep blue back, often found in coastal areas.
  4. Collared Kingfisher (Todiramphus chloris) – Typically seen along coastlines and mangroves, with greenish-blue upperparts and white underparts.
  5. White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis) – A large kingfisher with vivid blue wings, a brown head, and a striking white throat.
  6. Banded Kingfisher (Lacedo pulchella) – A more elusive species found in dense forests, known for its distinctive striped pattern.
  7. Malayan Blue Banded Kingfisher
  8. Blue-eared Kingfisher
  9. Black-capped Kingfisher
  10. Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher
  11. Ruddy Kingfisher
  12. Rufous-collared Kingfisher
  13. Stork-billed Kingfisher

Body Shape and Features

Kingfishers are compact birds with a characteristic stocky build, short tails, and long, pointed beaks adapted for catching fish. Their wings are broad and rounded, designed for short bursts of speed and agile maneuvers when hunting. Their feet are small and not well-suited for walking, but they are perfectly adapted for gripping perches near the water.

A hard to find white-throated kingfisher bird in trees near the mangroves in Krabi Town.
White-throated Kingfisher in Krabi, Thailand.

Size and Weight

Kingfishers vary in size, with the smallest being around 10 cm long, such as the Common Kingfisher, while larger species, like the White-throated Kingfisher, can reach 28 cm in length. Their weight typically ranges from 10 to 150 grams, depending on the species.

  • Common Kingfisher: Weighs around 30-40 grams.
  • White-throated Kingfisher: Weighs around 90-150 grams.

Diet and Hunting

Kingfishers are carnivorous, and their diet is largely dependent on where they live. They primarily eat fish, which they catch by diving from a perch above the water, but they also love worms, insects, crustaceans, amphibians, and small reptiles like small snakes, skinks, and other lizards. Some species will even catch small mammals or birds to eat. There are many small birds in Krabi to choose from.

  • Fishing technique – Kingfishers sit patiently on a branch, wire, or a post near water and dive in headfirst to catch fish with uncanny accuracy. Their vision is highly specialized, allowing them to see clearly underwater. It’s rare that after a dive, a bird doesn’t come up with a fish in its bill.
  • Other prey – In forested and grassy areas they hunt for insects like grasshoppers, beetles, and small lizards. This can make up a large portion of their diet when not near water habitat.

Daily Patterns and Sleeping Habits

Kingfishers are generally diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They hunt primarily in the early morning and late afternoon, when fish and other prey are more active. After spending the day hunting and patrolling their territory, they find a safe perch to roost during the night.

Migration Patterns

Most kingfisher species in Thailand are resident birds, meaning they do not migrate over long distances, they stay in Thailand around the same place all year. However, the Common Kingfisher is a notable exception. It breeds in northern Asia and Europe and migrates south to Thailand during the winter months when it is too cool in the north. When in Thailand, it can be found near the Krabi River, lakes and ponds at Thara Park in Krabi Town, and all over Thailand coastal regions.

Shorebird Status

While some kingfishers, such as the Collared Kingfisher, are commonly found along coastlines and mangroves, they are not considered typical shorebirds. They are usually associated with freshwater or brackish water, hunting in rivers, streams, lakes, and sometimes in shallow coastal waters.

Reproduction and Offspring

Kingfishers typically breed once a year during the dry season (usually between February and May in Thailand). They are monogamous and both parents are involved in raising the young until they can manage on their own.

  • Nesting – Kingfishers dig nesting burrows into riverbanks, sandy cliffs, or even mounds of earth. The burrow can be as long as 1 meter to protect the eggs and chicks from predators.
  • Clutch size – Females usually lay between 3 to 7 eggs, depending on the species. The eggs are incubated for about 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Chicks – Once they hatch out of the eggs, the chicks are cared for by both parents and typically fledge within 3 to 4 weeks.

Predators include ground snakes, rats, and cats. Thailand has a massive cat and dog problem with strays all over the country.

Migration Destinations

For migratory species like the Common Kingfisher, their breeding grounds are in northern parts of Asia, including Siberia, Japan, and China. In the non-breeding season, they migrate south to Southeast Asia, including Thailand. They are often spotted in Krabi, as the area offers rich hunting grounds along the coastlines and rivers.

Other kingfisher species are resident in Krabi and though they can travel between areas, they generally will remain in the same province.

Endangered Status

While most kingfisher species in Thailand are not considered endangered, the Banded Kingfisher is somewhat rare and difficult to spot due to its preference for deep forest habitats, which are shrinking due to deforestation. The IUCN Red List classifies the majority of Thailand’s kingfishers as species of (LC) Least Concern, but habitat loss remains a threat to some localized populations. These birds used to be more plentiful across Krabi, but the loss of habitat to farming has been damaging over the years.

Kingfishers: Easy to Find vs. Hard to Find

  • Easy to find Species – Species like the White-throated Kingfisher and Collared Kingfisher are relatively common in Thailand and can be spotted around wetlands, rice paddies, and along the coast.
  • Hard to find – The Banded Kingfisher is notoriously elusive due to its deep forest habitat, making it harder to spot unless one ventures into thick jungle areas.

Preferred Habitat

Kingfishers in Thailand occupy a range of habitats, from mangroves and coastal shorelines to freshwater rivers, lakes, and streams. Some, like the Collared Kingfisher, are more adapted to brackish and coastal environments, while others, like the Banded Kingfisher, prefer dense forests. Many species thrive in the wetlands of southern Thailand, including the Krabi region.

Saltwater vs. Freshwater Hunting

While some kingfishers do hunt in saltwater, especially species found along the coast like the Collared Kingfisher, the majority of Thailand’s kingfishers are more commonly associated with freshwater environments. They prefer rivers, streams, and lakes for hunting fish and other aquatic prey. The reason for this appears to be the ease of finding fish – small ponds and lakes don’t have the waves and reflections of the sun to deal with. Flat, calm water makes it easier to see fish under the water.

Nesting and Roosting

Kingfishers nest in burrows dug into riverbanks, tree cavities, or even termite mounds, depending on the species. The burrow provides safety for the eggs and chicks, keeping them hidden from predators. Some species also use hollows in trees, especially in areas where burrowing into the earth is not an option.

Call and Vocalizations

The call of kingfishers varies by species, but they are generally sharp, piercing, and often repetitive. For example, the White-throated Kingfisher has a loud, cackling call, often heard before the bird is even seen. These vocalizations are used to communicate with mates or warn off intruders from their territory.

Male vs. Female Appearance

In most species of kingfishers, the males and females look very similar. However, there may be slight differences in size or brightness of plumage, with males typically having more vivid colors. For example, the Common Kingfisher male tends to have a slightly more vibrant orange on its underparts than the female.

Where Can You Find Kingfishers in Krabi?

In Krabi Town you can try Thara Park on the Krabi River. You can find these birds perched on trees near the water, or on wires and other structure near the water as they scan for shallow fish they can dive for.

The Mangrove Walkway is another place you can walk around for them. This is a 500 meter long raised concrete boardwalk over and through the mangroves which is dense with trees but birds can often be found here.

By far the best place to find Kingfishers and Shore Birds of all kinds is on a Birding Boat Tour with an expert guide to show you where all the birds are in the season.

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