Krabi Tennis Courts at Thara Park

In Krabi Town we have 3 newly refurbished tennis courts that are for the public to use.

Gates open typically around 4-5 pm, but you never know when the man is coming with the key.

Play is according to first come, first serve. There are some regular Thai players who come daily for fun games against each other. If you come when the gates open, you will probably be able to play a bit as the sun goes down and the tennis court lights turn on for the evening.

Krabi Public Tennis Court Open Times

Monday to Friday: 0600 – 0800 and 1500 – 2100.

I have never seen the courts open at 3 pm (1500), so don’t come that early, you’ll be disappointed.

Saturday and Sunday: 0600 – 1000 and 1500 – 2100.

Benches: Yes, there are some benches on the east side of the courts where you can rest between matches.

Restrooms: Yes, there are some public restrooms around the back side of the 2 convenience stores at the park. One is approximately 150 meters away. The other is about 300 meters away. If the large indoor gymnasium is open, you can sneak in there and use their restrooms. They are cleaner and infrequently used.

Aerial View of Tennis Courts at Thara Park

Three public tennis courts located at Thara Park in Krabi Town.
Note, gates are locked until 4:30 on average.
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