Krabi Hotel Review – Duck Inn Resort

Duck Inn Resort - Krabi, Thailand Road Sign
Duck Inn Resort, Krabi, Thailand Hotel

Krabi Hotel Review: Duck Inn Resort


This Krabi hotel is a bit out of the way, but you gain a lot in privacy. This hotel is usually for Thais that are taking their girlfriend, gig, or mistress to a hotel for the night. As you are traveling on Highway 4 from Phang Nga toward Trang you will be coming down a slight hill as you are coming up on Krabi town. Make a left turn onto “Huay NamDang” Road across from the Esso Station in Krabi town. (see photo 1 of a sign). You’ll go approximately .4 km along that road and you’ll see the Duck Inn Resort on your left side. The photo I took from the other side of the street.

Room Cost: 500 baht per night. Possibly hourly is available, I haven’t inquired, but I think so.

What do you DO at Duck Inn Resort?

This is what’s known as a short-time hotel. Thai couples, usually boyfriend and girlfriend or a guy or a girl with a ‘gig’ (s*x partner) will come here for a night of passion and leave in the morning. There might even be hourly rates as 500 baht seems like a lot for most Thais to shell out for a room for a night. Kids under 18 or kids that are shy to go to hotels because someone might know who they are will go to short-time hotels also. Short-time hotels offer a degree of anonymity and convenience.

Rooms are air-conditioned, clean, and have all the conveniences you could want. They are surprisingly well furnished and worth 500 if you want to impress your ‘date’.

This hotel definitely serves its purpose. Rather anonymous and a better room for 500 baht than you’d get at a hotel in Krabi town for 500 THB. It’s not close to anything so if you don’t have transportation – a car or motorbike, you’d better opt for something in town. There are many cheap hotels in Krabi town. See “Grand Tower” or “Grand Mansion” hotels for 300 baht rooms that are fairly clean and have hot water showers.

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